
为什么伤口无法愈合 Can Do to Help)

作者:Sarah Wartman,医学博士


估计是6.5 million Americans are affected by chronic wounds – wounds that don’t follow the expected pattern of healing and show little or no signs of improvement after a month’s time. More than an inconvenience or eyesore, those affected by non-healing wounds can face chronic pain, loss of mobility, depression and anxiety, as well as increased risk of hospitalization, amputation and death.

The most common types of chronic wounds are ulcers that fall into one of 五类:

  • Diabetic ulcers: Foot ulcers are common in patients with 糖尿病 who have lost feeling in their legs and feet (called neuropathy)
  • Pressure ulcers: More commonly referred to as bed sores, these ulcers are caused by repeated friction or excessive pressure on a specific area over 一段时间
  • Venous ulcers: Typically occurring in the lower leg, 这些伤口 are the result of vein valve malfunctions, which cause pressure to build up in 组织
  • 创伤tic ulcers: Severe injury or bodily trauma can cause tissue damage to an extent that it affects the healing process
  • Arterial ulcers: Also called ischemic ulcers, these are caused by poor or interrupted circulation, often due to smoking, 糖尿病, hypertension, 或者血凝块


Chronic wounds are the result of something interrupting the healing process. Some of the most common causes of non-healing wounds include infection, swelling from fluid buildup, and poor circulation. 每年,美国人 spend over $25 billion in the treatment of 这些伤口 and related complications – and that doesn’t include the treatment of underlying conditions like 糖尿病 外周动脉疾病. Addressing these underlying conditions is important to prevent future wounds and to ensure active wounds do not 成为一个长期问题.

Due to the complexity of wounds and their underlying conditions, a multidisciplinary physician panel is essential to adequately care for and, ultimately, heal 这些伤口.

Washington Center for 伤口愈合 and 高比重药物, it’s all hands on deck to treat these 顽固的 wounds. 我们的团队 consists of infectious disease specialists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, plastic surgeons, general surgeons, internal medicine physicians and wound 专业护士和技术人员. 在中心外面,我们会 often call upon the expertise of other specialists and subspecialists to help a patient manage these underlying conditions. 这些包括 primary care providers, endocrinologists, cardiologists or even 营养师.

Every patient is unique, so it stands to reason that not every wound is 都. As such, we tailor treatments to each patient’s specific 需要. Some of the therapies and approaches that may be employed include:

  • 血管评估
  • 清创术
  • 高压氧疗法
  • 实验室评价
  • 传染病管理
  • 物理治疗
  • 营养管理
  • 疼痛管理
  • 糖尿病教育
  • 核医学
  • 放射学


病人 should be vigilant about getting care if a wound isn’t healing 正如预期的. A patient without any known vascular issues or 糖尿病 can usually wait a few weeks to see if it improves. 然而,如果你有 one of these conditions, it’s important to be proactive and see your doctor even before your wound is considered chronic.

Other ways you can help the healing process include:

  • Manage underlying conditions – like 糖尿病 or circulatory issues – that may be complicating the healing process
  • If possible, don’t take any medications (prescription or over-the-counter) that may interfere with the healing process. 问问你的伤口护理团队 what medications you can and can’t take during treatment.
  • 不要吸烟. Smoking exacerbates many of the underlying causes of non-healing wounds, and interferes with the process of healing in 组织
  • Healing takes energy – energy that comes from calories in the food 你吃. A diet that includes plenty of lean proteins and healthy fats can help fuel you through the healing process
  • Keep your wound clean using warm water and a gentle baby wash. 防腐剂 like peroxide, iodine and alcohol can damage newly-formed tissues. 后 cleaning, be sure to pat it dry to prevent infection
  • 包扎好伤口. Not only does it help prevent infection, wounds heal best when in warm, dry conditions
  • 与医生预约. 慢性或不愈合的伤口可以 顽固的. It may take a variety of therapies for them to heal completely. Regular visits allow your doctor to assess the effectiveness of your current treatment and, if needed, refer other specialists to help course correct

To learn more about the life- and quality of life-saving work that we do at the Washington Center for 伤口愈合 and 高比重药物, visit the Washington Hospital website.
